About Us

We are located in northern Wisconsin in garden hardiness zone 4 (near zone 3).

In case we haven’t met yet, my name is Teresa. I was born and raised in Cumberland, WI, moved around the country to learn a few things and then came back home to be with family and start a family of my own. I found our Shell Lake home six years ago. Time sure flies!  My grandma and mom taught me to grow, cook and preserve food. My father taught me to fish and farm. I taught myself to hunt, fly fish, tie flies and am currently learning to tan hides.

At Buck Valley Homestead I use recycled and reusable/recyclable materials as often as I can. I reduce costs by using minimal labeling and packaging and I pass that savings along to you.  I will reuse any of my unbroken bottles, jars, tins, egg cartons, bags that you would like to pass back to me. They’ll even get you a discount on future purchases because, in our current economy, we all could use a discount! We make and eat all of the foods that I sell, fish with my flies and use my soaps, lotions and remedies. I even grow my own luffa and brew my own apple cider vinegar.

Check out my website store, blog, Facebook and flyers for what I offer. I list market dates and locations on my website and Facebook. We are 9 miles west of Shell Lake and in the next year, I’ll have a mini store building in the driveway. Until then, I can deliver if I’ll be in your area or let me know if you’d like to stop by and I’ll make sure to be there. If you are far away, you can also choose the shipping option from my webstore. Thank you, and it’s nice to meet you

*Note about links: We sometimes (rarely) have affiliate links in our posts. They can help you find things you’re interested in and also help support our family. You are by no means obligated to click on them or purchase anything. Happy learning!